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What Are You Hungry For?

Did you know you can develop a taste for almost anything? I’ve known this for quite some time, but I got reacquainted with it when I moved back home to West Virginia and got reintroduced to The Pepperoni Roll.

These things are delicious! And, fortunately for me, you can get them at a LOT of stores in this area! The one in the picture came from Sam’s Club and I must say that after heating this up in a microwave for about 20 seconds, it is AMAZING. I’ve learned that the best ones are homemade. Anita Herzog and Rhonda Barber have both proved that to me beyond the shadow of any doubt! But if homemade isn’t available, this one is a great option.

Did you know that once you develop a taste for something, your body will begin to crave it? I’ve found that out with the pepperoni roll. Now that I’ve acquired the taste for this delicacy, my body will send a signal to my brain saying something along the lines of, “Boy, a pepperoni roll really sounds good, doesn’t it?” At that point it doesn’t matter that I don’t have any at the house. I know where they are sold! It also doesn’t matter that Sam’s Club is quite a distance from my home, either. Because I’ve developed the taste, that has turned into a craving, I will strategically plan a trip, or just go out of my way altogether, to get what I desire.

This is how appetite works. First you have a taste for something. Then you start to crave it. Before you know it, you are making intentional efforts to acquire what you desire. This is a good thing in many regards. Your body needs food for fuel. The way it tells you it needs food is by stirring up your appetite. If you didn’t eat, you would eventually cease to exist in this world.

Unfortunately, appetite can work against you too. You see, you can develop a taste for almost anything, but not all things we develop a taste for are good or helpful. Most people don’t have a difficult time developing a taste for sugar. I’m among the guilty with that one! The problem is too many sweets usually leads to poor health.

Here is the good news: Since you can develop a taste for almost anything, that means you can develop a taste for fresh vegetables, grilled meat, whole grains, fresh fruits, and even…. WATER! It usually takes longer, but if you start eating better, you WILL develop a taste for these foods and you will come to a point where your body begins to crave the better things. If you continue eating this way for a prolonged time, you will feel MUCH better. You may even lose some weight! Not that any of you need to do that, but you get the idea, right? 😊

Did you know all of this applies to your spiritual life, too? You can develop a taste for selfishness, hatred, jealousy, lust, and multitude of other things that taste good in the moment. The only problem is they lead to poor spiritual health. And if left unchecked, they will cause the death of your soul.

You can also develop a taste for the things of God. It usually takes more time and intentionality, but you can develop a taste for loving people you want to hate, blessing people you want to curse, and a multitude of other amazing things that will make you more like Jesus. He’s the One Who said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” (Matthew 5:6) I know this is true for various reasons, the most important being Jesus never lies.

So, as we begin the New Year of 2022, I have a question for you. “What are you hungry for?” We have a choice in what we develop a taste for. May we all “hunger and thirst” for the things of God!

In HIS Service,

Bro. Ray

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