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“What good will come in 2020?”

Dear Friends,

On Sunday, January 5, 2020 I shared a message with my church posing the question, “What good will come in 2020?”. The text was Nathaniel’s question to Philip about Jesus, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?”. The point of the message was simple: God can bring good from anywhere and through anyone who will allow Him to do so. It was a GREAT start to the new year! I even gave out cookies at the end of service. We were all REALLY happy! Then the year progressed…….

Sometime late that night or early Monday morning a water supply line to the washing machine downstairs at the church sprung a major leak. Around 2 a.m. I got a call from the Fire Department and came to the church to find a couple of inches of water covering two-thirds of our lower level. God only knows how many gallons of water Tom, Gene, Charlie, and I pushed out of the door. I asked myself, “What good can come from 2020?”.

A couple of months later our world was rocked with a pandemic. This strange disease known as COVID-19, Coronavirus, or “The Rona” spread throughout the world taking lives at every turn. By the middle of March our Governor issued a Stay at Home Order and we began distinguishing between ‘essential” and “non-essential” workers. School was dismissed mid-semester and did not finish out the year. Public events were cancelled by the hundreds. In-person church services were paused. For the first time in 100 years, church buildings were empty on Easter Sunday and we all were wondering, “What good can come from 2020?”

This wasn’t the year that any of us has planned. None of us wanted to learn about “social distancing” or “flattening the curve”. We didn’t anticipate toilet paper shortages, purchasing limits on disinfectants, or that “The Tiger King” would come up in conversation. But we got all of this and much more!

So, “What good is coming out of 2020?” Let me suggest a few things:

That broken supply hose that flooded our downstairs provided the opportunity for us to replace flooring and remodel the kitchen. It is beautiful! I’d would love for you to see it for yourself.

That 8 week Stay at Home Order that put a pause on our public worship services compelled us to begin Live Streaming on the internet. Through the efforts of Brian Hawkes, Kim Mutterback, and Tim Jennings we are reaching people throughout the nation with the Word of God. I am very thankful for their hard work!

That pandemic helped us identify who the essential workers are and appreciate them more. Because of many generous donations, the First Church of God provided meals to 650 people working in 35 essential businesses throughout the greater Princeton area to simply say ‘thank you’ for being on the frontlines. Our Secretary, Heather Arnold, did an amazing job with this ministry.

In the middle of all of these “unprecedented times”, we learned that the American Red Cross was being affected by the pandemic. 20% of their blood donations come from drives held in High Schools and those doors have been shut. The First Church of God has stepped in to help offset those losses. So far this year we have hosted 2 Blood Drives that resulted in 47 donations. A third Drive is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 12, 2020 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Please consider donating.

Perhaps the greatest good that has come from the “craziness of 2020” is that families had time to be families again. More meals were shared around dinner tables instead getting fast food on the way to the 8th ballgame in 3 days. More conversations took place while puzzles were being pieced together and board games were being played. As we gradually get back to ‘normal’, I hope those things don’t go away.

“What good will come in 2020?” That’s a good question. The year isn’t over with, yet. And we are still, as of this posting, waiting on the results of the Presidential Election! I wish I could tell you what good will come from that. I wish I could tell you when the pandemic will be over. I wish I could give you a clear picture of what 2021 will look like. But I can’t. What I can tell you is this: God is still God and God is still good and God is still good on Mahood! That hasn’t changed and it won’t. Because that is true, I am confident “that He who has begun a good work in you (us) will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6)

In HIS Service,

Bro. Ray Jones


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