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Will You Make a Difference in 2020?

It is common at the beginning of each new year for people to make ‘resolutions’ to change for the better. For some all of the holiday feasting is now showing up in places they didn’t expect, so they ‘resolve’ to get in shape. For others, it may be the Christmas expenses exceeded the Christmas budget so they ‘resolve’ to get their finances in order. Or maybe it’s… get the idea, right?

There is nothing wrong with wanting physically or financially fit, or improve your life in any other good way in 2020. The problem is this. Most New Year’s resolutions do not make it past January 21. Why? The reasons can vary, but most come down to this: Most people find an excuse to let themselves off the hook. Do any of these sound familiar?

-It was hard getting up early to go to the gym.

-I got SO sore from working out!

-The gym was crowded. (That won’t be reality after week 1 J)

-Amazon put something on sale I COULDN’T live without!

-Or….., you get the idea, right?

If any of this describes you, please don’t be mad at me. If it is any consolation, I see myself in some of this, too. That’s why I’ve changed my approach from making ‘resolutions’ to making a difference because I know this:

I can make a difference or I can make excuses, but I can’t make both.

If I want to make a difference in my health I’d better eat, exercise, and rest properly. I can make excuses to not do these things, but I won’t get healthier that way!

If I want to see a difference in my finances I’d better make a budget and live by it. I can make excuses to not do so, but I won’t get the desired outcome.

The biggest difference I want to see in 2020 is in my spiritual life. I want to be a better disciple of Christ. He loved those who loved Him and those who didn’t. He blessed those who blessed Him and those who didn’t. He served without hesitation those He knew would deny and betray Him. He asked God to forgive those who hurt Him. And He expects me (and you) to do the same.

I’m still on the journey to become more like Him and here are some of the things I’m doing to help that happen:

Daily bible and/or devotional reading.

I’ve read through the bible several times and learned something new each time! My Olive Tree Bible App has several reading plans to help keep me on schedule throughout the year. One of my Christmas gifts this year was a devotional book (A Walk Through God’s Word Vol. 1, by Steve Chiles, ). Steve shares great stories that show how to live out the timeless teachings of scripture in these modern times. The time investment for this is usually less than 20 minutes each day, but it will pay big dividends by the end of 2020!

Worshiping Him both privately and publicly.

Jesus made it clear in a conversation about worship that God wants us to worship Him in spirit and truth. Music plays a significant role in helping me live that out. I have a playlist of worship music I listen to while hiking in one of the nearby parks and the radio in my truck is set to Spirit FM. God has consistently allowed me to meet with Him through private worship for decades. I look forward to more times like these in 2020!

As good as those personal and private worship experiences have been to me, they do not replace my need to gather with other believers for public services. Jesus modeled this (Luke 4:16). The early church did, too (Acts 2:46-47). God has consistently ministered to me through others in public worship gatherings. Sometimes it is through the songs and other times it’s come through the preached word. What has surprised me is how many times He helped me through a casual conversation with someone sitting in the pew. I know when I miss church, I miss out. (I LOVE Sundays at my church home! If you’d like to know more about it, click here:

Joining a Small Group

One of my hobbies is distance running. For the most part, I do that alone. But I learned several years ago that I could run further and faster with friends than I can by myself. The camaraderie of community made me better! That’s true with spiritual growth, too.

A few men at church and I just recently finished up a group study that helped me grow closer to God and get better acquainted with my brothers. I also took an online course with colleagues from around the nation that helped me identify some areas of personal growth that I REALLY need to work on. The second session of both groups will begin early in 2020 and I can’t wait to see what God is going to do through them!

Praying each day.

Regular communication is vital in relationship. A lack of it leads to drifting apart instead of drawing closer together. I’ve never gotten closer to someone that I wasn’t communicating regularly with. And I’ve never gotten closer to God by not communicating with Him.

Prayer is communication with God and Jesus taught us how to do it in Matthew 6:9-13. We often refer to this as “The Lord’s Prayer” and recite it. I’m learning to use it as model that shapes my prayers in 7 ways:

Approach God in RELATIONSHIP (Our Father in Heaven)

Give Him RESPECT (Hallowed is Your name)

REPORT for service (Your will be done in me!)

Make REQUESTS (Give us our daily bread)

REPENT where needed (Forgive me as I forgive others)

REFUEL (Lead me not into.., deliver me from…)

REVERE Him! (Yours is the kingdom, power, & glory)

Sharing Him with others.

What we care about, we share about! Look at your social media feed. Did you see those pictures of ‘The World’s Smartest Grandkids’? Or that photo of “Cutest Dog Ever” that belongs to your cousin? And let’s not forget “The BEST Christmas EVERRRRRR!” photos posted by… you get the idea, right?

People share about what they care about. The greatest things that have happened in my life have to do with my relationship with Christ. Why would I keep all that to myself? Telling others about Him helps me grow. I know some people aren’t interested in hearing about Him. I’ve talked to some of those, briefly. I know it’s possible to come across too strong. Been there. Done that. But I also know that God has divine appointments He’s prepared for me to meet. These opportunities will present themselves, maybe even at the DMV or Walmart or Dollar General or Kroger or Grants or ….you get the idea, right? I pray I see and seize those opportunities!

A thousand excuses can be made to NOT do the things on this list in 2020, but doing so means I won’t see the difference I want to see. I can make a difference or I can make excuses, but I can’t make both. Let’s make a difference this year!

Ray Jones


First Church of God

Princeton, WV

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1 comentário

01 de jan. de 2020

I've read this for the second time it's so good.

Reading it every week would be beneficial. 😊

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