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We Believe...


We believe God is the Creator of the universe.  (Genesis 1:1) He is the Highest Power that rules over all rulers and principalities.  God has numerous attributes or characteristics of which much could be written.  The following list highlights some of His primary attributes: 
God is One (Deuteronomy 4:35 & 6:4)  God is Spirit (John 4:24) God is Unchangeable  (Malachi 3:6) God is Everlasting (Psalm 90:2) 
God is All Powerful (Gen. 17:1) God is Ever Present (Psalm 139:7-10) God is All Knowing (Psalm 147:5, Proverbs 15:3) God is Holy (Leviticus 11:45)  God is Just (Deuteronomy 32:4) God is Love (1 John 4:8) God is Merciful (Numbers 14:18) God is Truth (Deuteronomy 32:4).

The Trinity

We believe in the Holy Trinity.  The term “Trinity” is used to describe the union of the Godhead:  God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and The Holy Spirit.  In Scripture, these three are distinctly and divinely described, yet they are ONE.  The clearest evidence of this mysterious truth is in Scripture that describes Jesus and the Holy Spirit with the same attributes as God:  John 1:1-3, John 8:58, Hebrews 13:8, Acts 5:3-4, & Hebrews 9:14.

The Bible

We believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant word of God that is to be properly interpreted and applied to daily living.  (2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:19-21)

We believe God created man and woman in His image, gave them an eternal soul, and desires to have a personal relationship with them.  That relationship existed in the Garden of Eden until both man and woman sinned against God.  (Genesis 2-3)

Jesus Christ

We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came to be the perfect sacrifice for sin.  He was born of a virgin (Luke 1:26-38), lived a sinless life (2 Corinthians 5:21), died a wrongful death (Luke 23:46), buried in a borrowed tomb (Luke 23:53), and resurrected from the dead for our sin (Luke 24).


We believe sin is doing that which God does not want done or not doing that which God does want done.  (1 John 3:4, James 4:17)  Because Adam & Eve sinned, the sin nature has been passed on to all who followed them.  (Rom. 3:23)


We believe the salvation of lost and sinning souls comes only through Jesus Christ. (John 3:16, Acts 4:12) This faith decision is made when an individual: Realizes he or she has sinned (Rom. 3:23), Has genuine sorrow for sin.  (2 Corinthians 7:10), Repents and believes the gospel. (Mark 1:15)
 Confesses Christ as Lord (Rom. 10:9-10). We believe this is the most important decision someone could ever make because it changes his or her current spiritual state and eternal destination.  Once this decision is made, we believe it is possible to “fall from grace” or “backslide”. (John 17:12, Acts 1:17 & 25)  

Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit is part of the Divine Trinity.  His primary functions are to convict the lost (John 15:8), purify the believer’s heart (Acts 15:8-9), and empower the believer to witness for Christ (Acts 1:8).  We believe the evidence of having the Holy Spirit in your life is the bearing of spiritual fruit (Galatians 5:22-23). 


We believe God wants believers to be “set apart” or “sanctified” for His service.  (1 Thessalonians 4:3-8) This occurred in the lives of the disciples on the Day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2:1-11.  The most significant result of this experience for the disciples was not the use of a particular spiritual gift, but the sustained power to live and witness for Christ.


We believe that Jesus instructs His followers to honor Him by observing three specific ordinances:  Water Baptism by Immersion (Mark 1:9-11 & Matthew 28:18-20), Holy Communion (Matthew 26:26-30),  & Foot Washing (John 13:1-17).  These acts are ordinances because Jesus did each one Himself and directly commanded us to do the same.
Christ’s Return & The End of Time

We believe that Jesus Christ will return one day to take His followers to Heaven and dismiss the lost to Hell.  Jesus’ return is at a time known only to the Father (Matthew 24:36).  His return will be evident to all and mark the end of time as we know it.  The most important thing we need to know about Christ’s return that anyone needs to know is to be ready for it. (2 Peter 3:10-14)

Eternal Reward and Punishment

We believe God’s followers will spend eternity in Heaven (John 14:1-3) and those who do not follow Him will spend eternity in Hell (Luke 16:19-31).


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